
We all do better when we all do better.


The mission of Groundwork is to be a one-stop shop for nonprofits. We amplify the important work that nonprofits are doing in their communities.


At Groundwork, we are committed to helping nonprofit organizations fulfill their funding goals creatively and collectively; finding solutions to enhance your organization’s resources to better serve your community. We achieve this by helping nonprofits strengthen their brand messaging, fundraising efforts (grant winning services and donor outreach), and by enhancing data accumulation and analysis for objective program measurement. We are inspired by the amazing work of nonprofit organizations and take pride in providing quality services and products that will convince funders to join your cause.


Relationship: Just like people have relationships with one another, we want to have a relationship with your organization. Nonprofits have their own personality and they deserve to be treated with dignity.

Collaboration: You’re doing important work as you walk alongside your constituents and your community. We want to honor that work by walking alongside your organization. Collaboration is essential, and we prefer it this way.

Ethical responsibility: We strive to abide by the highest standards of ethical responsibility and integrity. We respect your privacy. Furthermore, it is our commitment to treat you in the same compassionate way you treat your constituents.

Inclusivity: We embrace diversity on the individual, family, community, national, and societal levels. We want to meet people where they are. We consider your constituents to be our constituents.

Growth: We want only to uplift. We apply our own high standards to all the work we do with your organization. We constantly seek to be innovative and strive for continuous improvement.


Let’s see how our mission can support your mission.